SGFM’s Meat Processor

In November 2017, our USDA meat processor, Krehbiels Specialty Meats, was featured on a Wichita, Kansas television news broadcast. The video they produced does an excellent job of showing how complex the meat processing business can be, especially for very small plants.

Krehbiels is not like the huge meat processors that employ thousands of people and process thousands of head per day. The big outfits produce a narrow range of fresh meat cuts which they sell in bulk to meat brokers, grocery chains, and smaller specialty meat processors that make name-brand products. In comparison, Krehbiels does the same as the big outfits and the specialty plants but on a smaller scale to service their retail store, individuals, and businesses like ours.

We supply Krehbiels with all of the livestock they process for us. The video is a good example of how it works because it shows our Omega-3 Turkeys being delivered and later there is a packaged whole turkey with our label. There’s also a quick scene showing Slanker Select Omega-3 Chickens being processed. Krehbiels handles all of our beef, buffalo, pork, poultry, goat, and lamb. Some people wonder if they switch meats around and the answer is absolutely not. Everything is tracked and recorded. Not only is that good for business but proper tracking is also a USDA requirement.

Here is the video: Made in Kansas: Krehbiels Specialty Meats