Column #336     February 11, 2022Starling Murmuration photo by Daniel Biber

“Murmuration” is a strange word that’s used frequently by bird watchers. When starlings get together in huge flocks, usually in the winter, these flocks are called murmurations. Scientists are still trying to figure out why they come to be and just how the participants function. It’s as if an invisible force is choreographing the birds’ movements.1 2

So far scientists have determined that in a murmuration the starlings are united. Each individual mimics what their half-dozen closest neighbors do without hitting them. If one turns, they all turn. If one speeds up, they all speed up. The quality of the connection the birds have is about the same across the flock. Therefore, what any individual starling sees his half-dozen neighbors do extends instantaneously to the edges of the murmuration causing the entire murmuration to move as if one. Apparently, this same type of action has been observed with large schools of fish, sheep, locust, bees, herding animals and, even to some degree—people.3 4

Ed Yong wrote an interesting article titled “How the Science of Swarms Can Help Us Fight Cancer and Predict the Future.” In it there’s this observation; “. . .  the flocks created by Boids also suggested that real-world animal swarms might arise the same way—not from top-down orders, mental templates of orderly flocks, or telepathic communication (as some biologists had seriously proposed). Complexity, as Aristotle suggested, could come from the bottom up.”5

In other words, murmurations, flocks, schools, balls, migrations, swarms, and colonies are apparently spontaneous movements from the bottom up rather then directions given top down by a specific leader. (Maybe that’s why most politicians run out to the front of a parade to pretend they are leading the parade.)

Bottom up spontaneity may explain some of the events in our country and even elsewhere in the world. For instance, in the USA, after decades of relative stability, there has been a modest, but steady, decline in religiosity since the mid-1990s. On the flip side there has been increasing support for gay lifestyles, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, cancel culture, and living based on what feels good at the moment rather than on obeying “natural law.” Has this been orchestrated or is it a bottom up herding movement?6 7

Individual financial responsibility has been on the decline since the mid-1970s. Yes, people still save, but individual debts from mortgages, credit cards, car loans, school loans have increased considerably compared to assets and incomes. In 1980 the Federal government’s debt was 31% of the gross national product (GNP). Now it’s around 126%. This is in step with Modern Monetary Theory (which is quackery on steroids) for perpetual prosperity. It took root when some people started believing they have a right to a free lunch. Did this occur because of intentional leadership, or was it a bottom up herding movement that got the majority going in this particular, very destructive direction?8

In spite of healthcare costs increasing year after year to the point where they consume 18% of the GNP, Americans continue to ignore their nutritional health in ever greater numbers. The doubling of obesity rates in the past 50 years is a good example of a chronic disease that seems unstoppable. What a person eats is certainly an individual decision that is not top down driven. Obviously, many people fall in line to eat just like their fat friends because “it tastes so good.” Most will shun low glycemic foods, which are nutrient dense and diverse with 1:1 ratios of essential fatty acids. Instead they’ll literally admit that they prefer drugs and operations—in order to eat what feels good rather than what’s good for them.

Law and order has been in the news recently and its backers must be a murmuration of citizens who believe that with fewer cops there will be less crime. Where did this concept come from? And how did it even develop into being a serious belief that is now part of the discussion in the public square?

Some politicians believe they sense a movement by the masses for socialism and more unions. Yes, the younger generations and government employees are big believers in everyone being equal in all respects. Individual initiative should not be rewarded because people who excel must be cheating. As the population of this movement has increased in numbers these past few years, like a murmuration of starlings some people are flitting around before the MSM begging for bondage, schools without grades, and no self-imposed responsibilities.

Changing stock market valuations may depict human murmurations. When stock prices are plotted on graph paper over time, the price patterns provide great insight into the mood of the mob. Certain patterns have consistently predicted outcomes. One example is that prices tend to ebb and flow in Fibonacci progressions. They also trend up, down, or sideways and even develop patterns that proceed sharp reversals. Interestingly, the current long-term cycle pattern has traced out a market top formation that is eerily similar to 1929. That’s why holding cash will be king this year and possibly next year too.9 10

Deviant activity always exacts a steep price. Recorded history is loaded with examples. Also, the Bible provides numerous examples of the consequences of deviating from God’s word. Too often, history courses in school do not properly prepare people for avoiding the mistakes of the past. In addition people tend to forget what they learned in school. On the other hand, religious teachings, which are repeated over and over again from childhood through old age in church services and activities, do an excellent job of building a proper lifestyle foundation that withstands the test of time.

In that vein, this week Dr. David Busic gave an inspiring talk about “Raising Families in the Third Wave.” He explained why it is so important for parents and grandparents to help their children and grandchildren develop a religious foundation in order to have God’s guidance come from within. That way they’ll be more resistant to the lure of the siren song beckoning those people in the mob who are closest to them. Knowing when the mob is heading in the wrong direction, and having the intestinal fortitude to resist the calling, is critical for not only individual survival but our nation’s survival.11

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

Don't miss these links for additional reading:

1. Very Impressive Starling Murmurations by Daniel Biber from Sony World Photography Awards

2. What Is a Murmuration? From Wonderopolis—National Center for Families Learning

3. A “Murmuration” of Fish! from Adventures with Tiger Blue in Raja Ampat

4. Here’s How Schooling Fish Coordinate Their Graceful, Mesmerizing Movements by Jen Viegas from Seeker

5. How the Science of Swarms Can Help Us Fight Cancer and Predict the Future by Ed Yong from Wired by Condé Nast

6. In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace from Pew Research

7. Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage from Pew Research

8. Federal Debt to GDP

9. Fibonacci Sequence from Math is Fun

10. Anticipating Anticipation from Macro Ops.

11. Raising Families in the Third Wave by Dr. David Busic from New Hope Church the talk starts at the 13:20 minute mark