Yesterday, September 12, 2012, The Journal of the American Medical Association, with great fanfare, published a highly flawed report that got immediate national press coverage!

The media’s interpretation of this report was similar to an ABC news report by Dianne Sawyer where she said “omega 3 fatty acids could not prevent heart disease as once thought.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In March 2012 I wrote an essay titled The Omega-3 Scam.  It outlined how flawed reports discredit Omega-3 science and why those reports are flawed.  My essay nailed the flaws in this recent JAMA report dead center long before it was published.  Yet it was still published!!!

Unfortunately, the public and the medical profession will only recognize the sensational negative aspects of the report and ignore the responses from the real, professional and responsible scientific community.  This means doctors will stupidly continue to recommend their many drugs and operations that do nothing to cure people while ignoring the real solutions to the epidemic of health issues that plague all Americans.  This is literally a national tragedy.

I refuse to be taken in by the charlatans and hopefully you won’t taken in by them either.  So get the facts and don’t let pied pipers lead you astray with obfuscation.

To read some actual scientific responses to the flawed JAMA report please go to The Omega-3 Scam.  There, on the side panel, you will find a link to the JAMA report and below it a download link to a pdf document with responses from real scientists in the nutritional field of fatty acid research.  Don’t get scammed.  Get the facts.  The Omega-3 Scam

Ted Slanker

Thursday, September 13, 2012