Column #172

Are you plagued with one or more persistent health issues such as:
    Muscle Aches                 Intestinal Pain                  Diarrhea
    Skin Rashes                    Migraine Headaches       Diabetes
    Cancerous Growths      Sluggishness                     Arthritis
    High Blood Pressure     Asthma                              and more

If so, being proactive with exercise, sleep, and diet can bring some if not total relief. Moderate exercise and a good night’s sleep is very underrated in its importance even though most people understand the science. Addressing diet is more complex because most Americans scoff at the actual science or they embrace “healthy” fads. In addition, people get addicted to what they eat!

When it comes to the aforementioned persistent health issues, my first thoughts are about the immune system and a body’s potential toxic loads. When immunity is down and/or there’s an autoimmune condition, bodies are highly vulnerable to bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and toxins as well as their own misfiring immune systems. When it comes to toxins, most people mistakenly assume the worst ones are household cleaners, pesticides, chemicals in drinking water, etc. But in my book the worst are Microbial Toxins.

There are primarily two kinds of Microbial Toxins. Wikipedia describes them this way:

“Microbial toxins are toxins produced by micro-organisms, including bacteria and fungi. Microbial toxins promote infection and disease by directly damaging host tissues and by disabling the immune system. Some bacterial toxins, such as Botulinum neurotoxins, are the most potent natural toxins known.” Toxins produced by fungi are called mycotoxins which is derived from the Greek word “mykes” meaning “fungus” and the Latin word “toxicum” meaning “poison.”

Everyone knows bacteria can kill. But what many do not understand is that mycotoxins are just as subtle and deadly. Fungi grow in the soil, on walls, in air ducts, on plants, and in the tissues of our own bodies! Here again, most people rightfully fear the mold growing on the walls of their homes. But they underestimate the mold that is or was growing on their food or the fungi that reside within their bodies.

Grains, nuts, seeds, and fruit are natural hosts for fungi. Peanuts, a legume, are notorious for fungal infestations. Quite often we see mold on these foods. What we don’t see are the mycotoxins from mold that infiltrated the food. They are invisible, virtually indestructible, and some mycotoxins are deadly. That should really concern us when we know our bodies are fungal hosts!

Did you know that when we eat high glycemic foods and sugars they feed the fungi in our bodies? When that happens the fungi put out mycotoxins to preserve their food source for themselves. The mycotoxins then disrupt the bodily functions of their host which causes a wide variety of chronic diseases some of which can lead to an early death.

To better understand the implications of fungi on one’s health, it’s advisable to heed the teachings of Doug Kaufmann. He is host of the “Know the Cause” television show and website. For decades he has been explaining the dangers of mycotoxins on human health. His website is a major information resource on the topic. I started following Doug Kaufmann back in 2001 when I was honored to be an invited guest on his show to talk about grass-fed beef. Fundamentally, what we discussed then has only proven to be more valid as time goes by.

The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) impacts the function of nerves, the brain, and immunity. The closer the ratio is to 1:1 the better. Ratios exceeding 4:1 are associated with increasing incidences of chronic disease. The many other nutrients required by the body are also critical for health. This is why foods that are nutrient diverse and dense with low EFA ratios are so important. Furthermore, all foods consumed must be low glycemic in order to minimize mycotoxin production within our own bodies. This is the foundational base for a healthy diet.

The best foods are grass-fed and Omega-3 meats, wild-caught seafood, green leafy vegetables, other selected vegetables and low glycemic fruit. I avoid the foods known for their mycotoxin loads. That includes most nuts, grain, seeds, legumes, and grain-fed meats. This approach has worked for me in subduing my fungal disorders.

It’s amazing how well the best foods address persistent health issues. It takes discipline for sure to restrict one’s diet to the best foods. But the positive results are worth it.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

Don't miss these links for additional reading:

Know the Cause by Doug Kaufmann

Microbial Toxins from Wikipedia

Aflatoxins from National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute

Fungus Information Resource

Fungus Among Us by Ted Slanker