Column #473 September 20, 2024
Last week Alan Fortin gave us a one-star review on Google. He said, “Slacker is more interested in pushing their political opinion than delivering quality food. Other...” It stopped at “other” because for me to see all of his review, Google wants me to jump through several hoops like a trained dog to prove to them who I am. It’s just one reason why I can’t stand Google and these other monstrous big tech companies. I’ve been advertising with Google for like 15 years and they still don’t know me?
Anyway, what’s interesting is that on March 24, 2022, Alan made his one and only purchase of 11.83 pounds of lamb, buffalo, and fish. Following that, there is no record in our office of a complaint. His newsletter subscription started on March 20, 2022 and was terminated on September 13, 2024. During that time he only opened two or three newsletters—the last one being "Kamala Shines Bright.” So his exposure to us during the past 30 months is next to zero. He never experienced our top sellers which are beef, chicken, and pork, and he also missed out on the goat and turkey.
Before you go yawn and “turn the page,” you need to know that Alan’s review is not the issue for this column. The issue is that radical liberals don’t want Americans discussing politics in public or private. They want all of us to remain silent and be ignorant. That way they can take over our country and turn us into serfs. An uneducated electorate is the greatest danger there is to a democratic republic. This is why Kamala’s number one goal is to limit speech in America.
There are several websites that seek ratings from disgruntled customers. Then they try to get the owners of the businesses being rated to spend money with them in order to improve their images. They play on the fact that never in the history of man has any business been able to “make everyone joyful.” Some people are born to complain and nothing satisfies them. And in this case, Alan doesn’t know our product line, knows nothing about our 25-year history, doesn’t know about the hundreds of essays and columns on our website, nor does he know our philosophy. Therefore, to us, he’s just a ranting fool that we’ll put on our ban list. We don’t have to put up with disagreeable people like Alan. We’re not paid enough.
As for writing about issues, it’s part of what I do and have done for more than 55 years. I’m a big believer in free speech and the benefits of discussing issues in a civil manner. There can’t be any progress in any field if everyone clams up. And when it comes to forgetting history that leads to repeating the mistakes of the past. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. They made the inventions that are the basis of our current technology. They tamed the land and built the infrastructure where we now live. Americans are blessed in that our nation’s Founding Fathers also structured our Federal government to protect the God given rights of the citizens so the people remain free of government tyranny.
But the rub today is, lots of folks know how to use a cell phone, but they haven’t been taught about social studies and the importance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They know damn little about history but a lot about historical revisionism that denigrates our forefathers. There’s no question that if we look back a hundred-thousand years the number of perfect people is minuscule. Yet look at how far man has come while overcoming faults. Therefore we must continue to be vigilant in recognizing what is good and what is bad if we are to live good lives and have better lives for our children.
We do that by continuing to discuss what’s important to us and our future based on historical facts. The discussions need to be ongoing. We must not let blockheads limit our speech by telling us which topics we can’t discuss at the dinner table, in public, nor in private. In other words why is discussing religion a bad thing? Why is discussing politics a bad thing? Why is discussing history taboo? They all impact our lives on a daily basis just like the weather.1
For SGFM’s first 20 years nearly all of my articles were about health, nutrition, animal husbandry, farming practices, and the dispelling of livestock myths created by leftists and university types who spew out clueless nonsense to a gullible public. All of the articles are still on the website and there are hundreds of them. BTW, they used to cause way more negative commentary than my articles on politics.
It was on February 21, 2020, with column #235, that I started a series of columns dealing with the truths and myths surrounding COVID-19. The columns quickly evolved into one disclosure after another proving how our government was deceiving us and how restrictions on free speech were the beginnings of One World Order enslavement. Also there were columns about alternative cures for COVID that were more effective than the experimental vaccines. I blew the whistle on doctors being coerced into not recommending better, safer, alternative cures. It was a nasty time where the Constitution and Bill of Rights were being trashed right before our eyes as the various state governments kept businesses, schools, churches, and events locked down for about two years.
Following the corrupt 2020 election many of my columns started emphasizing our country’s social fabric that had been built on the Constitution and Bill or Rights. And during the past nearly four years we’ve watched our government turn against the people. We’ve watched it start wars. We’ve watched it violate the laws of the land. We’ve watched it dismantle our national borders. We’ve watched it destroy democracy. And we’ve heard so many lies the people no longer know the difference between good and bad.2
So I write about it and encourage others to do their research. We need everyone to give freely their views on freedom and the importance of protecting our God given rights.
To your health.
Ted Slanker
Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.
For additional reading:
1. Why Kamala's Planned Corporate Tax Hike Is Deeply Flawed by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke from Truth Over News
2. Age Of Rage: 26 Million Americans Believe Political Violence Is Justified by Jonathan Turley