Column #22

Resolutions requiring lifestyle changes for a more positive, fulfilling life are rarely easy. But when one succeeds the rewards are pride, a sense of accomplishment, and often much more.

Whimsical resolutions rarely succeed. It takes several deliberate steps to make resolutions become life-long realities. Making too many resolutions at once is overwhelming. Therefore it’s best to pick the most critical resolution and stay focused on it.

For example there’s the popular resolution to “lose weight and be healthier.” This goal has two objectives that are achieved with the same new habits which includes primarily changes in food selections. Therefore this one resolution can have two rewards.

Be Proactive
Avoid resolving to break old habits; rather resolve to create new ones. Make the resolution specific such as “I will follow the food choices in The Real Diet of Man” rather than general such as “I want to lose weight.” Tell your family and friends what you are resolving and ask for their support. The more open you are regarding your commitment, the more likely it is you will receive support.

Plot Your Course
Start a resolution journal and on the first page outline why you desire this change. Then write down the steps required to achieve your goals. For instance:
•    Read The Real Diet of Man
•    Become familiar with the Food Analysis tables to understand relevant food chemistry
•    Remove improper foods from your house
•    Stock up on proper foods
•    Learn how to make the new foods appetizing
•    Take the Omega-3 Blood Lipid test
•    Understand the importance of the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio
•    Learn about fungi and the dangers of sugar

Baby Steps
Don’t try to do everything all at once. Don’t expect overnight miracles. Be realistic in setting interim goals so you can celebrate periodically while on your new journey. Change is progress as is the learning curve. Every pound lost is progress. Track your food, your weight, how you feel, and any noticeable changes in your health, clothing size, and general vitality. Take the Omega-3 blood test every six months. Every month look back over your records, take note of your accomplishments and congratulate yourself on the progress.

Maintain a Positive Outlook
Do not berate yourself if you slip up. Expecting perfection in the pursuit of your goals creates too much stress. Even the finest athletes, scholars, and musicians experience setbacks as they develop. It’s part of the growing process.

Putting it into Perspective
It took years to establish the habits you have now. There is great comfort in habits, even bad habits and they can even become addictions. Developing new, more positive habits takes time. But in time they too will give you comfort. Developing new tastes, new ways to prepare foods, new food sources requires changes in established habits. At first the new foods may not taste as good or differ in other ways you’re not used to. But everyone can adapt to new foods if they keep eating them. It may take a month or longer, but it happens with sufficient repetition.

Recharging the Desire
Many people lose interest in their resolutions after a month or so. When that happens, take out your Journal and read it from the beginning. Look at the progress you’ve made. It’s a reward that only gets better and better.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.