Column #94
Humans differ in their genetics which is why some get arthritis and others get diabetes. This occurs when one or more of their inherited genes are expressed as a weak link for this or that disease when their bodies are abused. In our modern times, the greatest and most universal abuse is diet. In that respect all chronic diseases are related.
The link between diet and health was recognized as early as 2,500 years ago with scurvy. Two millenniums later Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) recommended lifestyle modifications, primarily diet and exercise, to treat diseases such as diabetes. Since then modern nutritional scientists have discovered many other nutritional deficiencies/excesses and their related diseases.
The most recent studies strongly indicate diabetes, especially diabetes 2, can be stopped with diet. As with all chronic diseases, “suppressing” may be more accurate than “curing.” That’s because diabetes, like most other chronic diseases will restart when the diet reverts back to an abusive diet.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are autoimmune diseases. Therefore the cure focuses on the essential fat balance. Humans, like all animals, synthesize most fats. The ones they don’t are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) which are the Omega-6 and Omega-3 families of fatty acids. The balance of the EFAs by weight in the membranes of cells plays a huge role in brain, immune, and nervous system function. When the weight of Omega-6 is more than 4:1 over Omega-3, chronic diseases (autoimmune diseases) are detectable. Scientists believe the optimal balance should be 1:1 which makes EFA balance the central focus of the autoimmune diet.
To acquire EFAs, animals must eat them. Their diet’s EFA ratio then determines their body’s EFA ratio. Simple Omega-3 supplementation rarely shows improvement with diabetes and other chronic diseases because supplementation may only lower ratios from 10:1 to 7:1. That’s improvement, but not enough. It’s only when individuals diligently lower their ratios below 2:1 will they experience significant, measurable improvement.
The other tactic for curing diabetes is to eliminate the consumption of sugar, in all its many forms, and to significantly restrict carbohydrates. This is difficult because high carbohydrate and high sugar foods are addictive. Withdrawals can cause carbohydrate cravings and headaches. That’s why most diabetics report the easiest approach to change is to quit sugar and carbohydrates cold turkey. That gets over the withdrawal hump quicker.
Eating a low glycemic diet with balanced EFAs is not easy. That’s because most American food choices are high glycemic with skewed EFAs. The good foods are green leafy vegetables, wild-caught seafood, grass-fed and Omega-3 meats, and fats from these foods. The worst foods are sugar, syrups, hydrogenated oils, nuts, nearly all oils including olive oil, grains, grain-fed meats, most fruits, and even a few vegetables especially tubers.
Should a diabetic try to cure his disease with food? Why not? There is considerable anecdotal evidence indicating it works. Good foods provide all required nutrients in the best balance. The worst foods do not. The EFA balance in the good foods will heal the immune system and diabetes is an autoimmune disease. And we know that when a body burns fat instead of sugars, its in ketosis and that works positive wonders for most diabetics who achieve that goal.
To your health.
Ted Slanker
Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.
Don’t miss these links for additional reading:
Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management
The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes by Changing Lifestyle and Dietary Pattern 2014
An Increase in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Increases the Risk for Obesity 2016
Beneficial Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Gestational Diabetes 2015
Dietary Intake Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil and Management of Diabetes 2017
How Many Carbs Should a Diabetic Eat?
Is Type 2 Diabetes an Autoimmune Disease? 2016 From University of Toronto
Long-Term Trends in Diabetes by CDC
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases
Test Your EFA Balance use offer code slanker
Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) From Wikipedia
Hippocrates From Wikipedia
Scurvy From Wikipedia